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Preparing for Virtual Lectures in the “New Normal” with MS Teams: What you need to know

Virtual Lectures with MS Teams

As educational institutions respond to COVID-19, it has become apparent the need for remote instruction and learning. Switching to online learning can present a new set of challenges to Trainers and Residents in terms of delivering Lectures. It’s therefore not a secret that a sudden shift to online instruction may leave many Trainers and Residents feeling overwhelmed about this change.

The College has been looking for quality options for providing instruction to Residents. Microsoft Teams can help Trainers and Residents create and run meetings for their virtual Lecture room.

First, it’s important to remember that technology, as good as it might be, will never replace you – the Trainer. During these difficult times, however, technology is standing in for your traditional Lecture room.

To make the transition to distance learning easier, we’ve created resources, training and how-to guides that we hope will help Trainers and Residents successfully navigate the transition to virtual lectures.

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